By Fiaz Ahmed
Master the Basics: A Step-by-Step Guide to Playing Pool
Playing pool is a time-honoured tradition, and it’s a game that requires both skill and strategy. Many people find it daunting to learn how to play pool, but with a few basic tips, you can quickly become an expert.
This step-by-step guide will show you how to master the basics of playing pool and help you become a more confident player. From learning the basics of the game to understanding the different types of shots to honing your skills, this guide will provide you with the tools you need to become a pool pro in no time!
What is pool?
Pool, or billiards, is a game played on a table that has a pocket at each corner. The game aims to use a cue to hit the ball into the pocket and get it as close as possible without going in.
The number of balls you must pocket depends on the type of game you are playing. Nine-ball and eight-ball are the most common varieties, but there are many others, including snooker, one-pocket, and three-cushion billiards.
There are more than 80 million people who play pool around the world, and the game is believed to date back to the 15th century, making it one of the oldest games in the world. In addition to being a fun pastime, pool is also a great way to build confidence, meet people, and stay active.
Pool table setup
Before you even think about shooting a ball, you need to get your pool table set up properly. Be sure to look for any damaged areas on the table and mark the spots so you can fix them later. Once you’ve cleaned your table, check the pockets on your table to make sure they’re not too tight or loose.
There are a few different ways to set up your table, but the most common style is the pub style, which has pockets on the long rails and the break shot behind the head string. If you’re playing a tournament, pay attention to the setup of the table and follow the same guidelines.
Cue stick basics
If you’ve ever wondered why pool players nudge their cues or fiddle with their chalk, now’s the time to find out why. The following cues are considered the best for pool; they’ll help you improve your game and get the best out of your table.
A good cue should be lightweight and have a good balance. Make sure you choose one that suits your level of play, as a more expensive cue might not be right for you. A break cue is also a good idea if you’re going to break a lot, as it’s heavier and shorter than a regular cue.
- Nudging the cue - This is when you nudge the cue back and forth to find the best spot, usually before you take a shot.
- Fiddling with the chalk - This is when you take the tip of your cue and dip it in the chalk a few times to keep it from getting sticky. This is mostly done by players who break a lot.
Aiming and shooting techniques
Now that you’ve got a firm grip on your cue, it’s time to start aiming and shooting!
The best way to improve your game is through plenty of practice, but there are a few tips that will help you get started. When aiming, make sure your cue is level with the table’s edge, and try to visualize where you want the ball to go.
- Sighting - Sighting is a technique used by players who have a regular, consistent break. Sighting is when you look down the cue to mark where you are aiming the shot so that you can break consistently.
- Aiming with the table
- This is when you aim for the pocket, but you’re also looking at the table. This is useful for shots that are in between regular pocket shots.
- Aiming with the end of the cue - This is when you’re just looking down the cue, and you’re not looking at anything on the table.
- Aiming with the palm
- This is when you put the cue in your palm, and you’re looking at the table with your other hand.
Different types of shots
This is where the game gets a little more advanced! There are a few different types of shots you can execute, and they’ll help you get the ball into a difficult pocket or out of a sticky situation.
- Bank shots
- A bank shot is used to get the ball close to a difficult pocket. To execute this shot, you want to hit the ball at an angle off the side of the table so it bounces off and into the pocket.
- Combination shots - This is when you’re trying to pocket two or more balls at the same time. You can do this with a combination shot, which is where you hit two or more balls into the same pocket at the same time.
- Safety shots - Safety shots are when you’re trying to get the ball out of a difficult pocket. You can do this by hitting the ball below the table so it ends up back in the same pocket but on the bottom of the table.
Pool table rules
Before you start playing, make sure you know the rules of the game. Here are the basics of the rules of pool:
- There are 15 balls in a game of pool, and the object is to pocket the 8-ball. - The game is won by the person who pockets the most balls.
- The balls are numbered 1-9, and the 8-ball is black.
- There are two types of games: rotation and straight.
- Rotation is when each player takes a turn at the table and then the person who was last at the table rotates to the beginning.
- Straight is when each player takes a turn and then the last person to go is the first person to go again. - Players can either pocket their balls or the balls of their opponent.
- The break is when the player at the table breaks the rack by hitting the 1-ball first.
Practice tips
- Don’t rush - It can take time to get the feel for a new game, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t master the basics right away. Instead, focus on improving your skills with each game you play.
- Don’t become overwhelmed
- Pool is a complicated game, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the many rules and strategies. If you find yourself getting frustrated, take a break, and try again another day.
- Practise with friends
- If you’re just starting and want to improve your game, head to the pool hall with a few friends and get some practice in.
- Make sure you have everything you need
- Make sure you have the right cue and table for your skill level. Also, be sure your table is set up properly, as it can make a big difference in your game.
Common mistakes to avoid
- Hitting the cue ball at an angle
- Always make sure your cue is straight and perpendicular to the table when you hit. Hitting the cue ball at an angle can result in a scratch, so always make sure your cue is straight and level before you shoot.
- Not following the rules - It’s important that you know and follows the rules of the game. Make sure you know what type of game you’re playing, and always abide by the rules.
- Not practising enough
- Practice is key to improving your game. Make sure you’re practising with the right cues and table, and always be open to learning new strategies.
Pool terms and definitions
Break - The first shot of a game where a player tries to pocket the 1-ball. Break rule - If the player breaks and pockets the 1-ball, but has not pocketed any other ball, then the game is over.